The Global Thinking Project expanded to Catalonia and other regions of Spain soon after the project was created.
In February of 1991 Jack Hassard received an email message from Narcís Vives a teacher and director of a telmatics project in Barcelona. He said he had learned about the Global Thinking Project from his involvement in another telecommunications project, and since Barcelona and Atlanta were linked via the Olympics, he wondered if we would be interested in some form of collaboration. In May he traveled to Atlanta to visit the project, as well as schools he had made contact with through telecommunications. After visiting some of the project schools, and examining the Global Thinking Project materials, he suggested that some Barcelona schools join the project for the 1992-1993 school year. Nine schools joined the project. Later, GTP Center in Barcelona expand to include more than twenty schools.
The GTP visited Barcelona on two occasions that led to further colloboration that have continued to this day. Teachers from Barcelona participated in the GTP Summer Institutes, at Simpsonwood Conference Center, Norcross, Georgia from 1995-1998.
WMCP-THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL is a pilot proposal of the LaceNet team to provide methodological tools and new possibilities to the participating schools in the World Mobile City Project ( that want to go beyond the activity of February in which the most of 100 regular educational centers. The competences that are already being worked on during the February activity are complemented by other competences, STEAM, personalization of learning, etc. It is also an opportunity for those who want to make progress in ABP (problem-based learning) and work for projects.
During the 2018-2019 course, a small number of centers, from October to June, will develop a series of activities (see below the quarterly calendar) in teams of 3 or 4 centers with different cities of reference. The objective on the one hand is to deepen the knowledge of the respective cities of reference but also to become aware of the global environmental problems based on dynamics of involvement and empowerment from the small and large actions that can be undertaken at the level local..
The website for the project is The website is in Catalan, but you can translate to any language by going to Ramon Barlam and a team of Catalan educators are heading up the project.
Presentation by Ramon Barlam
This proposal is a tribute to the work of the GTP, which is rooted in 1993 with the beginning of relationships between US educational centers and the former Soviet Union. These will culminate in one of the main educational projects of reference at the moment, worldwide, under the name of the Global Thinking Project. It is therefore also a recognition to the teachers and educational centers, many of them Catalans, who entered the educational internet and the collaborative telecommuting projects with this project.